From the heart: Meet our 2024 global CSR partners | Takeda Stories

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From the heart: Meet our 2024 global CSR partners

September 19, 2024

“We’re going to train 6,000 new health workers, who are going to serve a population of over 76 million people.”
Andrew Musoke, Seed Global Health’s chief operating officer, is clearly excited by the huge potential of our new Global CSR Program partnership. But he’s not the only one. Andrew is just one of the organization leaders who shared heartfelt reactions after being chosen for FY2024 partnerships.
Watch the video to hear their inspiring words – and even a celebratory song.
There are five new partnerships in all, each a multi-year commitment aimed at addressing critical gaps in global health care though innovative, sustainable approaches. They focus on empowering marginalized groups and underserved communities to increase health equity, and they take the same long-term view that has enabled our own evolution over the past 243 years.
Here are our FY2024 commitments:

These new programs bring our total contributions to JPY 28.8 billion (approx. USD 199.1 million) across 34 long-term partnerships. But our Chief Global Corporate Affairs and Sustainability Officer Takako Ohyabu believes the uniqueness of this initiative goes beyond these numbers.
“The Global CSR Program is very special because it really reflects the voice of our employees,” she says. “Fifty-thousand employees around the world get the chance to vote and nearly 50% of them do, so it’s a real reflection of where we want make our impact.”
*Approximate amount is at an exchange rate of 1 USD = 144.86 JPY.