Takeda Announces Appointment of Christophe Weber as Chief Executive Officer
Takeda Announces Appointment of Christophe Weber as Chief Executive Officer
Osaka, Japan, March 4, 2015 -- Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited today announced that its Board of Directors decided to promote Christophe Weber, Representative Director, President & Chief Operating Officer (COO), to Representative Director, President & Chief Executive Officer (CEO), effective April 1, 2015. Yasuchika Hasegawa, Representative Director, Chairman of the Board & CEO, will assume the position of Representative Director, Chairman of the Board.
The appointment is the result of a transparent and objective decision-making process endorsed by the Nomination Committee, which has been established as an advisory body to the Board of Directors and whose chairperson is an Outside Director. It has been also decided that the position of COO will no longer exist effective April 1, 2015.
Christophe Weber, the Representative Director, President & COO, said “First, I would like to thank Yasuchika Hasegawa and the Board of Directors for their trust. I am honored and thrilled with the role of CEO and determined to fulfill my duties. I will devote all my energy to leading the new Takeda organization from April 1, 2015, and continue to make contributions to patients and healthcare professionals, to engage and motivate our employees, while responding to the expectations of investors and shareholders.”
Yasuchika Hasegawa, the Representative Director, Chairman of the Board & CEO, said “Since he became COO of the Company last April, I have been supporting Christophe and at the same time carefully observing his performance as a CEO successor. I have concluded that he is ready to assume Takeda’s CEO role, and therefore I have decided to appoint him CEO when the new organizational structure takes effect on April 1, 2015. Under “Takeda-ism (Integrity: Fairness, Honesty, and Perseverance),” I am confident that Christophe will blaze a new trail in our efforts to help people realize better health and a brighter future.”
1. Name and title of the Representative Directors
New position
Previous position
Representative Director, Chairman of the Board
Representative Director, Chairman of the Board & Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Yasuchika Hasegawa
Representative Director, President & Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Representative Director, President & Chief Operating Officer (COO)
Christophe Weber
2. Date of birth, number of shares of the Company owned and profile of the Representative Directors
Date of Birth: June 19, 1946
Number of Shares of the Company Owned: 107,700
April 1970
Joined the Company
October 1998
Corporate Officer and Senior Vice President, Pharmaceutical International Division of the Company
June 1999
Director of the Company
June 2001
Senior Vice President, Corporate Planning Department of the Company
April 2002
Senior Vice President, Corporate Strategy & Planning Department of the Company
June 2003
President and Representative Director of the Company
April 2011
Chairman, KEIZAI DOYUKAI (Japan Association of Corporate Executives) (to present)
April 2014
Chief Executive Officer of the Company (to present)
June 2014
Representative Director, Chairman of the Board & CEO of the Company (to present)
Date of Birth: November 14, 1966
Number of Shares of the Company Owned: 0
July 2003
Chairman & CEO, GlaxoSmithKline France
May 2008
Senior Vice President & Regional Director, Asia Pacific, GlaxoSmithKline
January 2011
President & General Manager Designate, GlaxoSmithKline Vaccines
April 2012
President & General Manager, GlaxoSmithKline Vaccines
April 2012
CEO, GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals
April 2012
Member of GlaxoSmithKline Corporate Executive Team
April 2014
Chief Executive Officer of the Company (to present)
April 2014
Corporate Officer of the Company
June 2014
President and Representative Director of the Company (to present)
3.Scheduled date of appointment
April 1, 2015