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- 移植後のサイトメガロウイルス(CMV)感染/感染症患者さんにおいて、LIVTENCITY投与群では従来の抗ウイルス療法群と比較して、入院率の低下(8%、p=0.021)と入院期間の短縮(53.8%、p=0.029)を示す探索的解析が含まれる1*
- サブグループ別の事後解析では、従来の抗ウイルス療法群と比較して、LIVTENCITYの投与によってCMVのDNA濃度が定量検出限界以下(<LLOQ)になることが最初に確認されるまでの期間の短縮が示され、今までに報告された試験結果と一致2
- 2022年Tandem Meetings(移植・細胞治療学会)と欧州臨床微生物感染症学会議(ECCMID)で発表するデータは、移植後のCMV感染症患者さんに対する治療法を再定義するLIVTENCITYの役割を裏付けるエビデンスを強化1–4





* Conventional anti-viral therapies: ganciclovir, valganciclovir, cidofovir, or foscarnet


1. Hirji I. Healthcare resource utilization in transplant recipients with cytomegalovirus infection refractory/resistant to treatment receiving maribavir versus investigator assigned therapy: Exploratory analysis of a Phase 3 trial. In: The 2022 Tandem Transplantation & Cellular Therapy (TCT) Meetings Of ASTCT and CIBMTR. 2022.

2. Alain S. Time to First Cytomegalovirus Viremia Clearance in Transplant Recipients with Refractory Cytomegalovirus Infection With or Without Resistance Receiving Maribavir Versus Investigator-Assigned Therapy: Subgroup Analyses of a Phase 3 Trial. In: The 32nd European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases. 2022.

3. Alexander B. Assessment of Discontinuations and Anti-Cytomegalovirus Treatment Switching in Post-Transplant Refractory/Resistant Cytomegalovirus Infections: Safety and Sensitivity Analyses from a Phase 3 Randomized Trial. In: The 2022 Tandem Transplantation & Cellular Therapy (TCT) Meetings Of ASTCT and CIBMTR 2022.

4. Song I. Population Pharmacokinetics and Exposure–Response Relationships of Maribavir in Transplant Recipients with Cytomegalovirus Infections. In: The 2022 Tandem Transplantation & Cellular Therapy (TCT) Meetings Of ASTCT and CIBMTR. 2022.