
患者さんと協働する創薬活動「Healthcare Café」について


この度、武田薬品工業株式会社(以下、タケダ)は、第一三共株式会社、協和キリン株式会社、および参天製薬株式会社の3社と協働して「Healthcare Café」という取り組みを開始し、その第1回目を9月28日に開催いたします。

「Healthcare Café」とは、病気や障がいを持つ患者さんと製薬企業の従業員が対話・交流を通じてお互いを深く知り、患者さんの視点を医薬品の研究および開発に活かすことを目的とした活動です。患者さんとともに創薬活動に取り組むという想いを同じくする4社が協力し、患者さんとの対話の機会を各社が順番に提供します。患者さんとの対話から得た気づきを創薬の研究段階から応用しようとしている点、およびその活動で複数の製薬企業が協働し、知見の収集と蓄積を加速させようとしている点において、世界的に見てもユニークなペイシェント・エンゲージメント(患者さんとの協働)の取り組みです。


当日は、順天堂大学医学部耳鼻咽喉科学講座 内耳再生医療・遺伝子治療研究グループ 神谷 和作先生による難聴治療に関するご講演や、同講座 名誉教授 池田 勝久先生、聴覚障がいをお持ちの当事者の方4名とそのご家族とともに、パネルディスカッション形式にて聴講者を交えた意見交換も行います。




About Healthcare Café, A New Patient Engagement Program in Drug Discovery

Takeda Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (Takeda) is working with Daiichi Sankyo Co., Ltd., Kyowa Kirin Co., Ltd. and Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. to launch a new patient engagement program, which will be called “Healthcare Café.” It will carry out its first session on September 28, 2022.

“Healthcare Café” aims to assist the employees of pharmaceutical companies to communicate with people living with a disease or disability and to help get to know each other better, while also assisting them to reflect patients’ insights for their new drug research and development (R&D) activities. The four companies, which share the same ambition to create new drugs with patients, will host various different occasions to openly communicate with patients. This is one of the world's most unique patient engagement programs, as it tries in collaboration with several pharmaceutical companies to accelerate the speed of knowledge accumulatio to assist researchers reflect on any insights obtained through communicating with patients from the early stage of drug discovery research.

Takeda will host the first “Healthcare Café” session under the theme of “hearing disorders.” To prepare for the event, representatives of the four companies and people living with a hearing disorder got together to share the types of challenges patients have faced in their daily lives, what they expect from medicines and treatment methods and how they think about the involvement of patients to new drug discoveries. At the first session, members will share with participants their insights and learning obtained from the conversation for both parties, the potential insights to be utilized in drug discovery research, along with ideas for more effective patient engagement solutions to be carried out in the future.

The first session will include a lecture on treatments for hearing disorders by Prof. Kazusaku Kamiya, Associate Professor at the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Juntendo University who leads the Group for Regenerative Medicine and Gene Therapy against Hearing Loss, and a panel discussion by Prof. Kamiya, Prof. Katsuhisa Ikeda, Professor Emeritus at the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Juntendo University, and four people with hearing disorder and their family members where participants will be encouraged to ask questions.

Recently, quite a few pharmaceutical companies have started to shift their mindsets from “creating new drugs for patients” to “creating new drugs with patients.” We anticipate that the “Healthcare Café” program will help researchers and R&D experts at pharmaceutical companies understand the viewpoints and needs of patients more deeply and allow them to reflect on patients’ insights for their R&D projects and strategies, and thereby facilitate the creation of innovative new drugs that will truly meet patients’ needs. We also hope that this first-in-kind program that encourages patients to join companies’ R&D journeys as early as from non-clinical research will prove to be effective and beneficial and will bring about further early patient engagement initiatives.