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Potilasrekrytointi on saatu päätökseen Seattle Geneticsin ja Takedan kliinisessä faasin 3 ECHELON-2-tutkimuksessa, jossa arvioidaan ADCETRIS®-valmistetta (brentuksimabivedotiini) kypsän T-solulymfooman ensilinjan hoidossa

Potilasrekrytointi on saatu päätökseen Seattle Geneticsin ja Takedan kliinisessä faasin 3 ECHELON-2-tutkimuksessa, jossa arvioidaan ADCETRIS®-valmistetta (brentuksimabivedotiini) kypsän T-solulymfooman ensilinjan hoidossa

14. marraskuuta 2016

-ECHELON-2-tutkimus on tärkeässä asemassa myöhäisvaiheen kliinisessä tutkimusstrategiassa, jolla vahvistetaan ADCETRIS-valmisteen asemaa CD30-positiivisten lymfoomien hoidon perustana-


-Tuloksia faasin 3 ECHELON-2-tutkimuksesta odotetaan vuosina 2017–2018-


BOTHELL, Wash. & CAMBRIDGE, Mass., 8.11.2016

 – Seattle Genetics, Inc.Go to http://www.seattlegenetics.com/ (Nasdaq: SGEN) ja Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited (TSE:4502) ilmoittivat tänään, että potilaiden rekrytointi kliiniseen ECHELON-2-tutkimukseen on saatu päätökseen. ECHELON-2 on maailmanlaajuinen faasin 3 satunnaistettu tutkimus, jossa arvioidaan ADCETRIS-valmistetta (brentuksimabivedotiini) osana ensilinjan yhdistelmäsolunsalpaajahoitoa aiemmin hoitamatonta CD30-positiivista kypsää T-solulymfoomaa (mature T-cell lymphoma, MTCL) sairastavilla potilailla. ADCETRIS on CD30:een kohdistuva vasta-aineen ja lääkkeen konjugaatti. CD30 ilmentyy useissa non-Hodgkin-lymfoomatyypeissä, kuten osassa kypsiä T-solulymfoomia, sekä Hodgkinin lymfoomassa. ADCETRIS-valmistetta ei ole tällä hetkellä hyväksytty kypsän T-solulymfooman ensilinjan hoitoon.


ECHELON-2-tutkimuksen potilaat satunnaistettiin saamaan joko uutta yhdistelmähoitoa, joka sisältää ADCETRIS-valmistetta sekä syklofosfamidia (C), doksorubisiinia (H) ja prednisonia (P) (käytetään lyhennettä A+CHP) tai syklofosfamidia (C), doksorubisiinia (H), vinkristiiniä (O) ja prednisonia (käytetään lyhennettä CHOP). CHOP on kypsän T-solulymfooman vakiintunut ensilinjan hoito. Tutkimukseen otettiin mukaan 452 potilasta. ECHELON-2-tutkimus tehdään Yhdysvaltain elintarvike- ja lääkeviraston FDA:n kanssa solmitun Special Protocol Assessment (SPA) -sopimuksen alaisuudessa, ja tutkimus sai myös Euroopan lääkeviraston EMA:n tieteellistä neuvontaa.


“Tavoitteemme on vahvistaa ADCETRIS-valmisteen asemaa CD30-positiivisten lymfoomien hoidon perustana ja uudistaa Hodgkinin lymfooman ja kypsän T-solulymfooman ensilinjan hoitoa tämän parhaillaan käynnissä olevan laajan, myöhäisvaiheen kliinisen kehitysohjelman avulla. ECHELON-2 on neljäs faasin 3 tutkimuksemme, jonka potilasrekrytointi on saatu päätökseen,” sanoi Naomi Hunder, Vice President, Clinical Development Seattle Geneticsiltä. “Odotamme saavamme tuloksia kypsän T-solulymfooman ensilinjan hoitoa tarkastelevasta ECHELON-2-tutkimuksesta joko vuonna 2017 tai 2018; aikataulu täsmentyy myöhemmin. Tämän faasin 3 tutkimuksen perimmäisenä tavoitteena on parantaa CD30-positiivisten, kypsää T-solulymfoomaa sairastavien hoitotuloksia ja – jos tulokset ovat positiivisia – toimittaa tutkimuksen tulokset myyntilupaviranomaisille ADCETRIS-valmisteen käyttöaiheen laajentamiseksi ensilinjan hoitoon.”


“Kypsä T-solulymfooma on harvinainen, aggressiivinen syöpätyyppi, jonka vakiintunut sytostaattihoito ei ole muuttunut vuosikymmeniin,” sanoi Dirk Huebner, Executive Medical Director, Oncology Therapeutic Area Unit, Takedalta. “Potilasrekrytoinnin tavoitteiden täyttyminen on merkittävä saavutus ECHELON-2-tutkimuksessa, kun arvioimme brentuksimabivedotiinin tehoa ja turvallisuutta vasta diagnosoitua kypsää T-solulymfoomaa sairastavilla potilailla. Pyrimme saavuttamaan perimmäisen tavoitteemme, uusien, tärkeiden hoitojen tuomisen CD30-positiivisia pahanlaatuisia sairauksia sairastavien käyttöön.”


Tuloksia faasin 1 tutkimuksesta, jossa arvioitiin ADCETRIS-valmistetta ja CHP-hoitoa kypsän T-solulymfooman hoidossa, esiteltiin aiemmin American Society of Hematology (ASH) -yhdistyksen vuosikokouksissa vuosina 2012 ja 2015. Tulokset osoittivat, että 26 potilasta 26:sta (100 %) sai objektiivisen vasteen; heistä 23 potilasta (88 %) saavutti täydellisen remission ja 3 potilasta (12 %) osittaisen remission. Pitkän ajan seurantatiedoissa arvioitiin, että kolmen vuoden kokonaiselossaolo oli 80 % ja kolmen vuoden etenemisvapaa elossaolo oli 52 %; yksikään potilas ei saanut konsolidaatiohoitona kantasolusiirtoa ensimmäisen remission aikana. Aiemmin on raportoitu, että kolmen vuoden kokonaiselossaolo oli alle 40 % ja kolmen vuoden etenemisvapaa elossaolo alle 30 % vastaavilla potilailla, joita oli hoidettu CHOP-hoidolla (Reimer ym., J Clin Oncol 27: 106–113; 2009; Fanale ym., J Clin Oncol 32: 3137–3143; 2014). Yleisimpiä haittavaikutuksia (kaikki vakavuusasteet), joita ilmeni yli 30 %:lla tämän faasin 1 tutkimuksen potilaista, olivat perifeerinen sensorinen neuropatia, ripuli, väsymys ja hiustenlähtö. Neljän vuoden seurantatiedot tästä tutkimuksesta esitellään posteriesityksenä vuoden 2016 ASH vuosikokouksessa.


ECHELON-2-tutkimuksen asetelma

Kaksoissokkoutetussa, lumekontrolloidussa, maailmanlaajuisessa faasin 3 tutkimuksessa verrataan ensilinjan hoitona ADCETRIS + CHP-hoitoa ja CHOP-hoitoa CD30-positiivista kypsää T-solulymfoomaa sairastavilla potilailla. Ensisijainen päätetapahtuma on etenemisvapaa elossaolo riippumattoman arviointielimen arvioimana; arvioinnissa käytetään pahanlaatuisen lymfooman vastekriteerejä (Cheson 2007 Revised Response Criteria for Malignant Lymphoma). Toissijaisia päätetapahtumia ovat kokonaiselossaolo, täydellisten remissioiden osuus ja turvallisuus. Monikeskustutkimus toteutetaan Pohjois-Amerikassa, Euroopassa ja Aasiassa. Tutkimukseen rekrytoitiin 452 potilasta, noin 225 potilasta kumpaankin hoitohaaraan. Tutkimuksesta tullaan saamaan tuloksia siinä vaiheessa, kun ennalta määritellyllä potilasmäärällä on todettu etenemisvapaa elossaolo.


Lisätietoa tutkimuksesta saa verkkosivulta www.clinicaltrials.govGo to http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/.


About T-Cell Lymphomas

Lymphoma is a general term for a group of cancers that originate in the lymphatic system. There are two major categories of lymphoma: Hodgkin lymphoma and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Non-Hodgkin lymphomas are broadly divided into two major groups: B-cell lymphomas, which develop from abnormal B-lymphocytes, and T-cell lymphomas, which develop from abnormal T-lymphocytes. The World Health Organization identifies 22 subtypes of mature T- and NK-cell neoplasms, including systemic anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) which is an aggressive type of T-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma that expresses CD30. Other mature T-cell lymphomas include peripheral T-cell lymphoma (PTCL), angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma and adult T-cell lymphoma.



ADCETRIS is being evaluated broadly in more than 70 ongoing clinical trials, including two phase 3 studies, ECHELON-1 in frontline classical Hodgkin lymphoma and ECHELON-2 in frontline mature T-cell lymphomas, as well as trials in many additional types of CD30-expressing malignancies, including B-cell lymphomas.


ADCETRIS is an ADC comprising an anti-CD30 monoclonal antibody attached by a protease-cleavable linker to a microtubule disrupting agent, monomethyl auristatin E (MMAE), utilizing Seattle Genetics’ proprietary technology. The ADC employs a linker system that is designed to be stable in the bloodstream but to release MMAE upon internalization into CD30-expressing tumor cells.


ADCETRIS for intravenous injection has received approval from the FDA for three indications: (1) regular approval for the treatment of patients with classical Hodgkin lymphoma after failure of autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (auto-HSCT) or after failure of at least two prior multi-agent chemotherapy regimens in patients who are not auto-HSCT candidates, (2) regular approval for the treatment of classical Hodgkin lymphoma patients at high risk of relapse or progression as post-auto-HSCT consolidation, and (3) accelerated approval for the treatment of patients with systemic anaplastic large cell lymphoma (sALCL) after failure of at least one prior multi-agent chemotherapy regimen. The sALCL indication is approved under accelerated approval based on overall response rate. Continued approval for the sALCL indication may be contingent upon verification and description of clinical benefit in confirmatory trials. Health Canada granted ADCETRIS approval with conditions for relapsed or refractory Hodgkin lymphoma and sALCL.


ADCETRIS was granted conditional marketing authorization by the European Commission in October 2012 for two indications: (1) for the treatment of adult patients with relapsed or refractory CD30-positive Hodgkin lymphoma following autologous stem cell transplant (ASCT), or following at least two prior therapies when ASCT or multi-agent chemotherapy is not a treatment option, and (2) the treatment of adult patients with relapsed or refractory sALCL. ADCETRIS has received marketing authorization by regulatory authorities in 65 countries.


In June 2016, the European Commission extended the current conditional approval of ADCETRIS and approved ADCETRIS for the treatment of adult patients with CD30-positive Hodgkin lymphoma at increased risk of relapse or progression following ASCT. See important safety information below.


Seattle Genetics and Takeda are jointly developing ADCETRIS. Under the terms of the collaboration agreement, Seattle Genetics has U.S. and Canadian commercialization rights and Takeda has rights to commercialize ADCETRIS in the rest of the world. Seattle Genetics and Takeda are funding joint development costs for ADCETRIS on a 50:50 basis, except in Japan where Takeda is solely responsible for development costs.


About Seattle Genetics

Seattle Genetics is an innovative biotechnology company that develops and commercializes novel antibody-based therapies for the treatment of cancer. The company’s industry-leading antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) technology harnesses the targeting ability of antibodies to deliver cell-killing agents directly to cancer cells. ADCETRIS® (brentuximab vedotin), the company’s lead product, in collaboration with Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited, is the first in a new class of ADCs commercially available globally in 65 countries for relapsed classical Hodgkin lymphoma and relapsed systemic anaplastic large cell lymphoma (sALCL). Seattle Genetics is also advancing vadastuximab talirine (SGN-CD33A; 33A), an ADC in a phase 3 trial for acute myeloid leukemia. Headquartered in Bothell, Washington, Seattle Genetics has a robust pipeline of innovative therapies for blood-related cancers and solid tumors designed to address significant unmet medical needs and improve treatment outcomes for patients. The company has collaborations for its proprietary ADC technology with a number of companies including AbbVie, Astellas, Bayer, Genentech, GlaxoSmithKline and Pfizer. More information can be found at www.seattlegenetics.comGo to http://cts.businesswire.com/ct/CT?id=smartlink&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.seattlegenetics.com&esheet=51252620&newsitemid=20160105005453&lan=en-US&anchor=www.seattlegenetics.com&index=4&md5=5eeefef6d933a8db3426dd745b33ef83


About Takeda 

Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited is a global, research and development-driven pharmaceutical company committed to bringing better health and a brighter future to patients by translating science into life-changing medicines. Takeda focuses its R&D efforts on oncology, gastroenterology and central nervous system therapeutic areas plus vaccines. Takeda conducts R&D both internally and with partners to stay at the leading edge of innovation. New innovative products, especially in oncology and gastroenterology, as well as our presence in Emerging Markets, fuel the growth of Takeda. More than 30,000 Takeda employees are committed to improving quality of life for patients, working with our partners in health care in more than 70 countries. For more information, visit http://www.takeda.com/news.


Additional information about Takeda is available through its corporate website, www.takeda.com, and additional information about Takeda Oncology, the brand for the global oncology business unit of Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited, is available through its website, www.takedaoncology.com.


ADCETRIS (brentuximab vedotin) U.S. Important Safety Information



Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML): JC virus infection resulting in PML and death can occur in patients receiving ADCETRIS.



ADCETRIS is contraindicated with concomitant bleomycin due to pulmonary toxicity (e.g., interstitial infiltration and/or inflammation).


Warnings and Precautions

  • Peripheral neuropathy (PN): ADCETRIS treatment causes a PN that is predominantly sensory. Cases of motor PN have also been reported. ADCETRIS-induced PN is cumulative. Monitor patients for symptoms of neuropathy, such as hypoesthesia, hyperesthesia, paresthesia, discomfort, a burning sensation, neuropathic pain or weakness and institute dose modifications accordingly.
  • Anaphylaxis and infusion reactions: Infusion-related reactions, including anaphylaxis, have occurred with ADCETRIS. Monitor patients during infusion. If an infusion-related reaction occurs, interrupt the infusion and institute appropriate medical management. If anaphylaxis occurs, immediately and permanently discontinue the infusion and administer appropriate medical therapy. Patients who experienced a prior infusion-related reaction should be premedicated for subsequent infusions. Premedication may include acetaminophen, an antihistamine, and a corticosteroid.
  • Hematologic toxicities: Prolonged (≥1 week) severe neutropenia and Grade 3 or 4 thrombocytopenia or anemia can occur with ADCETRIS. Febrile neutropenia has been reported with ADCETRIS. Monitor complete blood counts prior to each dose of ADCETRIS and consider more frequent monitoring for patients with Grade 3 or 4 neutropenia. Monitor patients for fever. If Grade 3 or 4 neutropenia develops, consider dose delays, reductions, discontinuation, or G-CSF prophylaxis with subsequent doses.
  • Serious infections and opportunistic infections: Infections such as pneumonia, bacteremia, and sepsis or septic shock (including fatal outcomes) have been reported in patients treated with ADCETRIS. Closely monitor patients during treatment for the emergence of possible bacterial, fungal or viral infections.
  • Tumor lysis syndrome: Closely monitor patients with rapidly proliferating tumor and high tumor burden.
  • Increased toxicity in the presence of severe renal impairment: The frequency of ≥Grade 3 adverse reactions and deaths was greater in patients with severe renal impairment compared to patients with normal renal function. Avoid the use of ADCETRIS in patients with severe renal impairment.


  • Increased toxicity in the presence of moderate or severe hepatic impairment: The frequency of ≥Grade 3 adverse reactions and deaths was greater in patients with moderate or severe hepatic impairment compared to patients with normal hepatic function. Avoid the use of ADCETRIS in patients with moderate or severe hepatic impairment.
  • Hepatotoxicity: Serious cases of hepatotoxicity, including fatal outcomes, have occurred with ADCETRIS. Cases were consistent with hepatocellular injury, including elevations of transaminases and/or bilirubin, and occurred after the first dose of ADCETRIS or rechallenge. Preexisting liver disease, elevated baseline liver enzymes, and concomitant medications may also increase the risk. Monitor liver enzymes and bilirubin. Patients experiencing new, worsening, or recurrent hepatotoxicity may require a delay, change in dose, or discontinuation of ADCETRIS.
  • Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML): JC virus infection resulting in PML and death has been reported in ADCETRIS-treated patients. First onset of symptoms occurred at various times from initiation of ADCETRIS therapy, with some cases occurring within 3 months of initial exposure. In addition to ADCETRIS therapy, other possible contributory factors include prior therapies and underlying disease that may cause immunosuppression. Consider the diagnosis of PML in any patient presenting with new-onset signs and symptoms of central nervous system abnormalities. Hold ADCETRIS if PML is suspected and discontinue ADCETRIS if PML is confirmed.
  • Pulmonary toxicity: Events of noninfectious pulmonary toxicity including pneumonitis, interstitial lung disease, and acute respiratory distress syndrome, some with fatal outcomes, have been reported. Monitor patients for signs and symptoms of pulmonary toxicity, including cough and dyspnea. In the event of new or worsening pulmonary symptoms, hold ADCETRIS dosing during evaluation and until symptomatic improvement.
  • Serious dermatologic reactions: Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN), including fatal outcomes, have been reported with ADCETRIS. If SJS or TEN occurs, discontinue ADCETRIS and administer appropriate medical therapy.
  • Gastrointestinal (GI) complications: Fatal and serious GI complications, including perforation, hemorrhage, erosion, ulcer, intestinal obstruction, enterocolitis, neutropenic colitis, and ileus have been reported in ADCETRIS-treated patients. Lymphoma with preexisting GI involvement may increase the risk of perforation. In the event of new or worsening GI symptoms, perform a prompt diagnostic evaluation and treat appropriately.
  • Embryo-fetal toxicity: Based on the mechanism of action and findings in animals, ADCETRIS can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman. Females of reproductive potential should avoid pregnancy during ADCETRIS treatment and for at least 6 months after the final dose of ADCETRIS.


Adverse Reactions

In two uncontrolled single-arm trials of ADCETRIS as monotherapy in 160 patients with relapsed classical HL and sALCL, the most common adverse reactions (≥20%), regardless of causality, were: neutropenia, peripheral sensory neuropathy, fatigue, nausea, anemia, upper respiratory tract infection, diarrhea, pyrexia, rash, thrombocytopenia, cough and vomiting.


In a placebo-controlled trial of ADCETRIS in 329 patients with classical HL at high risk of relapse or progression post-auto-HSCT, the most common adverse reactions (≥20%) in the ADCETRIS-treatment arm (167 patients), regardless of causality, were: neutropenia, peripheral sensory neuropathy, thrombocytopenia, anemia, upper respiratory tract infection, fatigue, peripheral motor neuropathy, nausea, cough, and diarrhea.


Drug Interactions

Concomitant use of strong CYP3A4 inhibitors or inducers, or P-gp inhibitors, has the potential to affect the exposure to monomethyl auristatin E (MMAE).


Use in Specific Populations

MMAE exposure and adverse reactions are increased in patients with moderate or severe hepatic impairment or severe renal impairment. Avoid use.


Advise females of reproductive potential to avoid pregnancy during ADCETRIS treatment and for at least 6 months after the final dose of ADCETRIS.

Advise males with female sexual partners of reproductive potential to use effective contraception during ADCETRIS treatment and for at least 6 months after the final dose of ADCETRIS.


Advise patients to report pregnancy immediately and avoid breastfeeding while receiving ADCETRIS.


For additional Important Safety Information, including Boxed WARNING, please see the full Prescribing Information for ADCETRIS at www.seattlegenetics.com or www.ADCETRIS.com.


ADCETRIS (brentuximab vedotin) Global Important Safety Information


Active Ingredient: brentuximab vedotin


Please refer to Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC) before prescribing.



ADCETRIS® is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with relapsed or refractory CD30+ Hodgkin lymphoma (HL):


  1. following autologous stem cell transplant (ASCT) or
  2. following at least two prior therapies when ASCT or multi-agent chemotherapy is not a treatment option.


ADCETRIS is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with CD30+ HL at increased risk of relapse or progression following ASCT.


ADCETRIS is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with relapsed or refractory systemic anaplastic large cell lymphoma (sALCL).






ADCETRIS is contraindicated for patients with hypersensitivity to brentuximab vedotin and its excipients. In addition, combined use of ADCETRIS with bleomycin is contraindicated as it causes pulmonary toxicity.




Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML): John Cunningham virus (JCV) reactivation resulting in PML and death can occur in patients treated with ADCETRIS. PML has been reported in patients who received ADCETRIS after receiving multiple prior chemotherapy regimens.


Patients should be closely monitored for new or worsening neurological, cognitive, or behavioral signs or symptoms, which may be suggestive of PML. Suggested evaluation of PML includes neurology consultation, gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of the brain, and cerebrospinal fluid analysis for JCV DNA by polymerase chain reaction or a brain biopsy with evidence of JCV. ADCETRIS dosing should be held for any suspected case of PML and should be permanently discontinued if a diagnosis of PML is confirmed.



: Acute pancreatitis has been observed in patients treated with ADCETRIS. Fatal outcomes have been reported. Patients should be closely monitored for new or worsening abdominal pain, which may be suggestive of acute pancreatitis. Patient evaluation may include physical examination, laboratory evaluation for serum amylase and serum lipase, and abdominal imaging, such as ultrasound and other appropriate diagnostic measures. ADCETRIS should be held for any suspected case of acute pancreatitis. ADCETRIS should be discontinued if a diagnosis of acute pancreatitis is confirmed.


Pulmonary Toxicity

: Cases of pulmonary toxicity, some with fatal outcomes, have been reported in patients receiving ADCETRIS. Although a causal association with ADCETRIS has not been established, the risk of pulmonary toxicity cannot be ruled out. New or worsening pulmonary symptoms should be promptly evaluated and treated appropriately.


Serious infections and opportunistic infections

: Serious infections such as pneumonia, staphylococcal bacteremia, sepsis/septic shock (including fatal outcomes), and herpes zoster, and opportunistic infections such as Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia and oral candidiasis have been reported in patients treated with ADCETRIS. Patients should be carefully monitored during treatment for emergence of possible serious and opportunistic infections.


Infusion-related reactions (IRR)

: Immediate and delayed IRR, as well as anaphylaxis, have occurred with ADCETRIS. Patients should be carefully monitored during and after an infusion. If anaphylaxis occurs, administration of ADCETRIS should be immediately and permanently discontinued and appropriate medical therapy should be administered. If an IRR occurs, the infusion should be interrupted and appropriate medical management instituted. The infusion may be restarted at a slower rate after symptom resolution. Patients who have experienced a prior IRR should be premedicated for subsequent infusions. IRRs are more frequent and more severe in patients with antibodies to ADCETRIS.


Tumor lysis syndrome (TLS)

: TLS has been reported with ADCETRIS. Patients with rapidly proliferating tumor and high tumor burden are at risk of TLS. These patients should be monitored closely and managed according to best medical practice.


Peripheral neuropathy (PN)

: ADCETRIS treatment may cause PN, both sensory and motor. ADCETRIS-induced PN is typically cumulative and reversible in most cases. Patients should be monitored for symptoms of PN, such as hypoesthesia, hyperesthesia, paresthesia, discomfort, a burning sensation, neuropathic pain, or weakness. Patients experiencing new or worsening PN may require a delay and a dose reduction or discontinuation of ADCETRIS.


Hematological toxicities

: Grade 3 or Grade 4 anemia, thrombocytopenia, and prolonged (equal to or greater than one week) Grade 3 or Grade 4 neutropenia can occur with ADCETRIS. Complete blood counts should be monitored prior to administration of each dose.


Febrile neutropenia

: Febrile neutropenia has been reported. Patients should be monitored closely for fever and managed according to best medical practice if febrile neutropenia develops.


Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS)

: SJS and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) have been reported with ADCETRIS. Fatal outcomes have been reported. If SJS or TEN occurs, treatment with ADCETRIS should be discontinued and appropriate medical therapy should be administered.


Gastrointestinal (GI) Complications

: GI complications, some with fatal outcomes, including intestinal obstruction, ileus, enterocolitis, neutropenic colitis, erosion, ulcer, perforation and haemorrhage, have been reported. New or worsening GI symptoms should be promptly evaluated and treated appropriately.



: Elevations in alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) have been reported. Serious cases of hepatotoxicity, including fatal outcomes, have also occurred. Liver function should be tested prior to treatment initiation and routinely monitored in patients receiving ADCETRIS. Patients experiencing hepatotoxicity may require a delay, dose modification, or discontinuation of ADCETRIS.



: Hyperglycemia has been reported during trials in patients with an elevated body mass index (BMI) with or without a history of diabetes mellitus. However, any patient who experiences an event of hyperglycemia should have their serum glucose closely monitored. Anti-diabetic treatment should be administered as appropriate.


Renal and Hepatic Impairment

: There is limited experience in patients with renal and hepatic impairment. Available data indicate that MMAE clearance might be affected by severe renal impairment, hepatic impairment, and by low serum albumin concentrations. The recommended starting dose in patients with hepatic impairment or severe renal impairment is 1.2 mg/kg administered as

an intravenous infusion over 30 minutes every 3 weeks. Patients with renal or hepatic impairment should be closely monitored for adverse events.


Sodium content in excipients

: This medicinal product contains a maximum of 2.1 mmol (or 47 mg) of sodium per dose. To be taken into consideration for patients on a controlled sodium diet.



Patients who are receiving a strong CYP3A4 and P-gp inhibitor, concomitantly with ADCETRIS may have an increased risk of neutropenia and should be closely monitored. Co-administration of ADCETRIS with a CYP3A4 inducer did not alter the plasma exposure of ADCETRIS but it appeared to reduce plasma concentrations of MMAE metabolites that could be assayed. ADCETRIS is not expected to alter the exposure to drugs that are metabolized by CYP3A4 enzymes.



: Women of childbearing potential should be using two methods of effective contraception during treatment with ADCETRIS and until 6 months after treatment. There are no data from the use of ADCETRIS in pregnant women, although studies in animals have shown reproductive toxicity. ADCETRIS should not be used during pregnancy unless the benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risks to the fetus. If a pregnant woman needs to be treated, she should be clearly advised on the potential risk to the fetus.



 (breast-feeding): There are no data as to whether ADCETRIS or its metabolites are excreted in human milk, therefore a risk to the newborn/infant cannot be excluded. With the potential risk, a decision should be made whether to discontinue breast-feeding or discontinue/abstain from therapy with ADCETRIS.



: In nonclinical studies, ADCETRIS treatment has resulted in testicular toxicity, and may alter male fertility. Men being treated with this medicine are advised not to father a child during treatment and for up to 6 months following the last dose.




Serious adverse drug reactions were: pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome, headache, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, constipation, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, pyrexia, peripheral motor neuropathy, peripheral sensory neuropathy, hyperglycemia, demyelinating polyneuropathy, tumor lysis syndrome, and Stevens-Johnson syndrome.


In the clinical studies of ADCETRIS, adverse reactions defined as very common (≥1/10) were: infection, upper respiratory tract infection, neutropenia, PN (sensory and motor), cough, dyspneoa, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, constipation, abdominal pain, alopecia, pruritus, myalgia, arthralgia, fatigue, chills, pyrexia, infusion-related reactions and weight decreased. Adverse reactions defined as common (≥1/100 to <1/10) were: Sepsis/septic shock, herpes zoster, pneumonia, herpes simplex, anemia, thrombocytopenia, hyperglycemia, dizziness, demyelinating polyneuropathy, ALT/AST increased, rash, and back pain.


For Seattle Genetics Forward-Looking Statement:

Certain of the statements made in this press release are forward looking, such as those, among others, relating to the therapeutic and commercial potential of ADCETRIS, including ADCETRIS’ potential as a treatment for MTCL, the anticipated timing of data from the ECHELON-2 trial, the anticipated benefits of Seattle Genetics’ ADCETRIS clinical development program, and the potential submission of applications (e.g., a supplemental Biologics License Application in the U.S.) seeking label expansion for ADCETRIS use in the ECHELON-2 setting. Actual results or developments may differ materially from those projected or implied in these forward-looking statements. Factors that may cause such a difference include the risks of adverse events associated with ADCETRIS use, negative or unexpected results from the ECHELON-2 trial even after promising results in earlier company- and investigator-sponsored trials, and adverse regulatory actions affecting ADCETRIS, all of which could result in Seattle Genetics being unable to expand ADCETRIS’ labeled indications of use to the ECHELON-2 or any other settings. Seattle Genetics may also experience delays in the conduct of and obtaining data from the ECHELON-2 and its other clinical trials, in each case for a variety of reasons, including the inherent difficulty and uncertainty of pharmaceutical product development. More information about the risks and uncertainties faced by Seattle Genetics is contained under the caption “Risk Factors” included in the company’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2016 filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Seattle Genetics disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.






Seattle Genetics


Peggy Pinkston

(425) 527-4160

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Japanese Media:

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Media outside Japan:

Sara Noonan

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