CSR Program: UNFPA | Takeda Pharmaceuticals

Health worker with two newborns

Ensuring access to quality maternal and newborn health care

Ensuring access to quality maternal and newborn health care, including for those facing life-threatening complications during the global health crisis

UNFPA logo

The Program

Partner: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)

Budget: 500 million yen

Term: COVID-19 Emergency Response

Launch: 2020

Area: Benin, Guinea and Togo

Visit the UNFPA websiteGo to https://www.unfpa.org/

As COVID-19 continues to spread rapidly around the world, the impact on acute care services such as maternal and newborn care in countries with less developed health systems are likely to be substantial. Lack of access to personal protective equipment (PPE) for frontline health workers, as well as a shortage of essential medical supplies for maternal and newborn health, makes these countries particularly vulnerable to the COVID-19 crisis, with potentially dire consequences for women and newborns. This partnership will support the continuous delivery of life-saving maternal and newborn health services to at least 350,000 women and newborns, including 12,700 women facing life threatening complications.

group of people with boxes

nurse giving face masks

Stories of impact

Learn about the innovative ways UNFPA and Takeda are ensuring the continued provision of life-saving health services to mothers and newborns in West Africa during the COVID-19 crisis in this video created by UNFPA.

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Banner Image Credit: UNFPA-Guinea