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CSR Program: City Cancer Challenge | Takeda Pharmaceuticals

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Empowering ten global cities to deliver quality and equitable cancer care

Engaging city stakeholders from a diverse range of sectors in the design, planning and implementation of cancer care solutions

City Cancer Challenge logo

The Program

Partner: City Cancer Challenge

Budget: 1 billion yen

Term: 5 years

Launch: 2019

Area: Global

Visit the City Cancer Challenge websiteGo to https://citycancerchallenge.org/

The program will ensure that patients have access to the high-quality cancer care they need and deserve without being exposed to hardship. These efforts will result in stronger health systems while catalyzing investment in cancer and non-communicable diseases (NCDs), which, in turn, will help drive progress towards the global target of reducing premature deaths from NCDs, including cancer.

father carrying son

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Contact us if you'd like more information about our Global CSR Program.